After all data has been written to the USB drive, you should receive a message indicating that theīootable USB drive has been created successfully. PowerISO will then start writing, and show the progress information when writing USB drive.ĩ. Please click 'OK' to confirm and continue. Before writing files to the USB drive, PowerISO will show a dialog prompts you that all data in the USB drive Click 'Start' button to start creating bootable USB drive for Linux. However, if 'Raw-write' isn't working, please use 'USB-HDD' instead.Ĩ. If multiple USB drives are connected to the computer, please make sure that you have selected the correct drive.ħ. Select the USB drive from the 'Destination USB drive' list. In 'Create bootable USB Drive' dialog, click 'Browse' button to open the iso file for Linux.Ħ. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 / 8 operating system, you need confirm the UAC dialog to continue.ĥ. The ' Create Bootable USB Drive' dialog will popup. Choose the menu 'Tools > Create Bootable USB Drive.'.Ĥ. Insert the USB drive you intend to make bootable.ģ. Start PowerISO (v6.5 or newer version, download here).Ģ.
Step1: Create Bootable USB Drive for Linuxġ. The steps to create Linux bootable USB drive, It supports most of the Linuxĭistribution, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, and so on. PowerISO can create bootable USB drive for Linux. How to create a bootable USB drive for Linux?